Overview of Space Exploration by ISRO

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Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO Dehradun announces a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on “Overview of Space Exploration” for School students. The objective of this online course is to provide knowledge and awareness to school students on various aspects of Space Science and technology. During this course, the technical sessions will be delivered by eminent space scientists of India. It will be an unique opportunity for young generation to understand this exciting domain of space technology.

The course is free and open to all the students of age 10 years and above from India and abroad.

Procedure to Participate in the Course
  • During this course, total 10 hours online video sessions will be conducted. Please watch the video sessions as per your convenience. You can watch it in multiple times. Based on video watch logs, your attendance for that session will be marked by the system.
  • You can also download the PDF version of study material for your future references from E-CLASS LMS.
  • Once you have completed the video session, then please participate in the Quiz assessment available in the E-CLASSLMS.
  • All the technical sessions and learning resources will be available till August 02, 2024 under your account in the E-CLASS LMS.
  • Discussion forum is also available in E-CLASS LMS for collaborative learning. You can post your questions and doubts in the discussion forum.
  • You need to submit curse feedback before proceeding to generate your course certificate through E-CLASS LMS.
Award of Certificate

The Course Participation Certificate will be awarded from IIRS ISRO based on your attendance in technical sessions and your score in online quiz assessment. Minimum 60% Score in Quiz and 70% attendance in video sessions will be required to get course participation certificate.

Course Duration

June 5-August 4, 2024.

How to Register?

Interested students can register themselves online via this link.

Registration Deadline - July 20, 2024.
Contact - isat@iirs.gov.in.


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